Focused on producing tools to provide empirical support for decision making. We are a data management and analytical model development company. Bespoke Metrics blends expertise in data control, model development, and user interface to provide innovative solutions for industries looking to utilize data to its fullest.

Data Control

By combining experience and technology Bespoke Metrics gathers, cleanses, adjusts and aggregates data to optimize data utility.  Frequently underestimated, Data Control is the first step in deciphering “Big Data”.

  • Data Capture
  • Data Organization
  • Data Cleansing
  • Data Aggregation
  • Data Security

Model Development

Bespoke Metrics model team is rooted in financial modelling with specific expertise in credit default analytics, predictive analysis,  pattern recognition and concentration risk. We use constantly evolving techniques and tailor models to capture specific industry criteria,  unique data variables and parameters. Models are continuously broken down, tested and combined with A.I. and machine learning to ensure model evolution.

  • Risk Analytics
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Grouping
  • Data Testing
  • Third-party Decision Making Testing
  • Machine Learning
  • Predictive Analytics

User Interface Design

Without a destination in mind you will get lost, but sometimes the general direction is enough to start moving. Building data & model systems should be tied to a decision making process.  Bespoke Metrics has deep experience in product development and will work with clients to integrate new systems into existing policies and procedures.  Moreover, Bespoke Metrics improves or replaces existing work flows through detailed data visualization interfaces. Designed with our strategic partners and carefully built with users, relevant industry input, and the latest technologies, Bespoke Metrics produces tools to maximize the power of data.  

  • Tailored Data Visualization
  • Creative Design
  • New Product Development through leading edge data applications
  • Improve decision making
  • Justify resolutions
  • Utilize empirical resources

Define your data before your data defines you!

Find Out How

Under “Construction”

Leadership Team

Michael Ho

I have always had complete confidence in everything you have set your mind on. Remember to always treat everyone with respect, appreciate everyday, and never be out worked. “
– Danny Ho

David Warford

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
– Vince Lombardi

Yuhan Zhuang

MD, Product and Analytics
“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you”
– Jeremy Clarkson

Paul Yip

MD, Data Management
“Without data you’re just a person with an opinion”
– W. Edwards Deming

Jeremy Mills

Lead Solutions Architect
“The Only Limit To Our Realization Of Tomorrow Will Be Our Doubts Of Today.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bespoke Metrics Inc.
55 York Street, Suite 1203
Toronto ON M5J 1R7